Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Straw Oboe Experiment :)
Title of experiment: Straw Oboe Experiment
(What do we want to find out?)
We want to find out if its going to be loud enough for us and also what we want to find out if we put more straws will it be loud it will it still be the same as the first one, and if the sound goes deeper if we put lots of straw or will it be lower.
Hypothesis: (what do you think will happen?)
I think it will be really loud and it will vibrate into a person ear and it will go through there eardrum and it will go to there brain and there will do all the work. Also what will happened is that it will be really annoying because will always have to blow there straw oboe.
How will we find out?
(Step by step)
Is that first we grab a straw and a scissors and cut the top of the straw but we have to cut the sides and then we put the straw inside our mouth. And if we want to make even more better we can add some holes into it but it has to be small holes.
What actually happened When we put it to our mouth a sound came out it sounded like a beeping sound from a car horn I didn’t think that it was gonna work but it did at the end of it when we cut it shorter the sound became louder and lower it was so cool.
We had to try it out to see if it will work or not and to see if it was loud enough for it to hear it. At the end we learn that it did work and the sorter you cut it the louder it gets for us and when you blow it hard.
1. What is producing the sound? What producing the sound is that when you blow the straw and try to make a really weird sound and try to make it loud because Its really cool but also we are producing that sound.
2. What pitch did we get when all holes were closed, compared to when the holes were
open? Is when the hole were closed what happened is that when when went to blow it it sound really funny it but when you add the holes it is really cool because you can make your own sound.
3. What does opening or closing a hole in the straw really mean in terms of vibrating an
air column? Is that if we put holes on them it will still vibrate because it will vibrate under the straw because when we blow it the air will go under the straw.
What happens to the pitch as you cut off pieces of the straw? Is that the pitch will go lower and lower because the more you cut it it will go lower and the more you even cut it it will go even lower. Why? The reason it will go even lower because how you cut it it goes even lower and lower.
Accomplish :)
One of our activities this week was to create a Popplet or word web to increase our range of vocabulary. The word we were given was accomplish. I found 24 words that are synonyms for accomplish.
Plastic Bags
Referring to the image on the first page what does the expression on the boys face tell us It tells us that the boy is worried and that he might fall over from running.
What do you think might happen to him in the story He might fall because he’s running fast and there is a jacket on the floor so he might trip over.
What do you think the title has to do with the story he might be running to the a plastic bag because there might be something special in there.
Why does Miss Anderson think Trent has been mucking about because when he was running he stumble over someone’s sweatshirt.
Why do you think he was dizzy as he went out of the classroom because he was laughing and running to fast.
What were the differences between Huia and Trent’s bags and Jason’s? What do you think about the reason for the differences? because Huia has a cartoon characters bag and Jason’s got a LA Lakers bag.
What did Trent expect to happen when he went to the principal’s office A big as growling and punishment maybe and even get stood down
How do you think Trent felt when he found out the real reason for going to the principal’s office He feels nervous scared and worried
How do you think Trent felt at the end of the story, why Happy excited because this boy was saying nice things about him and said good luck for his maths competition.
Have you ever been really hungry? How did it make you feel Yes I was sitting at home really huger but there was no food in the house so I had to wait until my dad came back from work waiting for my dad to come back my stomach was gonna explode because I haven’t ate anything I felt like I was gonna died.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Echolocation Explanation template :)

This process of echolocation will send sound waves that a like a click. It gives them information about where they are and what size and shape such as a object and some proof about objects. The longer it takes for the sound to come back the far the distance between them and the object.If a dolphin yelled and it took for long to come back than the object it far but if it comes back straight away object is close to them.
Dolphins use echolocation because they live in a very big sea so when they yelled it has a echo and it bounces back to them that's how they know where objects are and where they are going. Dolphins slap their nostrils together that's how they use echolocation. If dolphins didn't have echolocation it wouldn't matter because they have others sings that they can do and other things.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sound Explanation :)
Explanation template:
For inquiry this term we are studying ‘sound’ This explanation will explain you all about sound. Sounds items include musical and instruments. Have you ever wonder what sound is well this explanation will hopefully tell you all about it. Travel waves when it hits your ear drums it vibrate one another.
If a material is hit and begins to vibrate, it travels through the sound waves and hits your eardrum. Once it hits your eardrum, it continues to travel to the brain which transfers it into a knowable sound. Sound travels faster through dry air then through moist air. You would hear the sound of an aeroplane travelling in the sky much more quickly on a hot day then on a cool day.
If the world had no sound it would be really difficult because sound is really good by teaching people and showing people what to do if we were stuck. If there wasn’t any sound at all It will not really matter because we would know how to do sign language to each other. So we wouldn’t know anything about sound, but luckily we have sound because its easy for us and people that can’t hear sound so they use sign language and it not difficult for them.
Walked :)
One of our activities today was to create a Popplet or word web to increase our range of vocabulary. The word we were given was walk. I found 25 words that are synonyms for walk.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Explanation template :)
Explanation template:
For inquiry this term we are studying ‘sound’ This explanation will explain you all about sound. Sounds items include musical and instruments. Have you ever wonder what sound is well this explanation will hopefully tell you all about it. Travel waves when it hits your ear drums it vibrate one another.
If a material is hit and begins to vibrate, it travels through the sound waves and hits your eardrum. Once it hits your eardrum, it continues to travel to the brain which transfers it into a knowable sound. Sound travels faster through dry air then through moist air. You would hear the sound of an aeroplane travelling in the sky much more quickly on a hot day then on a cool day.
If the world had no sound it would be really difficult because sound it really good by learning people and showing people what to do if they were stuck. If there were no sound It would not really matter because we would know how to do sound language and other things. So we wouldn’t know anything about sound. But luckily we have sound because it easy for us and people that can’t hear sound use sound language and it not difficult for them.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
(What do we want to find out?)
We want to find out if we could hear each other from far just by using cups, a small string, a small rope and a thicker string.
: (What do you think will happen?)
I think that we will be able to hear each other by whispering and listening with the two cups and also the strings that we had poked in the cup .
First we were given three strings, two pins and also two cups , And the Ice blocks stick . we put it all together and tried it out to see if it worked
(What actually happened?)
We followed all of the instructions and it turned out that the rope somehow was the best string to use to hear the other people in the cup. We think that the
What we learn about the cups we learn that we can hear each other and which was so cool and. But it was really good that we could hear each other because we haven't try it befor. It was the best Experiment we ever did and a really good thing to try.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Worry :)
One of our activities today was to create a Popplet or word web to increase our range of vocabulary. The word we were given was worried. I found 25 words that are synonyms for worried.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
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